New Yorkers Will Be Able to Bet on the Super Bowl on Their Mobile Phones

DraftKings, FanDuel May Take Mobile Bets in N.Y. by Super Bowl

New York regulators approved four sports-betting companies to start accepting mobile and online wagers in time for the Super Bowl, opening the door to a growing form of gambling in one of the country’s largest markets.

DraftKings Inc.; FanDuel, a division of Flutter Entertainment Plc; Caesars Sportsbook, owned by Caesars Entertainment Inc.; and Rush Street Interactive Inc. have met the requirements to accept and process mobile-sports betting in the state, according to the New York State Gaming Commission. They can start in New York as soon as Jan. 8, the commission said in a press release

DraftKings, FanDuel and Rush Street, operating as BetRivers, said they would start taking wagers on Jan. 8.

New York regulators chose a total of nine casino and online gaming operators to offer mobile sports betting in November. The five other sportsbooks, which include MGM Resorts International’s BetMGM venture and Bally’s Corp., are still working toward meeting the statutory and regulatory requirements, the commission said.

Casino and online betting operators have tried for years to crack the New York market. Mobile betting was included in the state budget passed in April, and regulators have been working since then to structure and evaluate the bids. In New Jersey, an early adopter, $1.26 billion of bets were placed in November, many of them from New Yorkers crossing the state line to gamble.

Since a 2018 U.S. Supreme Court ruling struck down a federal ban on sports betting, 30 states now offer such wagering. FanDuel has the largest share of the U.S. market, followed by DraftKings Inc.

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