Do You Have Enough Humility to Lead?

Do You Have Enough Humility to Lead?

(Bloomberg Businessweek) -- Blessed are the humble. Increasingly, research shows that leaders who share credit and don’t seek the spotlight have better-performing teams that produce better results. That’s backed up by data from Tulsa-based Hogan Assessments, which develops personality tests to predict workplace performance. “A CEO who makes big promises, who is a narcissist, can ruin a company,” says Hogan Chief Science Officer Ryne Sherman. “The cure to all that is humility.”

Do you have enough humility to lead? Take our quiz. Indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each statement. Work quickly and respond to every statement.

Do You Have Enough Humility to Lead?

Tally your score:

For question ①

  • Strongly Disagree — 1 point
  • Disagree — 2 points
  • Agree — 3 points
  • Strongly Agree — 4 points

For questions ② – ⑥

  • Strongly Disagree — 4 points
  • Disagree — 3 points
  • Agree — 2 points
  • Strongly Agree — 1 point

Score 6–16: Low humility

Other people are likely to describe you as confident and self-assured, as not paying attention to feedback, and as taking yourself too seriously.

Score 17–19: Moderate humility

People will say that you have a nice mixture of diffidence and confidence, and that you know when to listen and when to speak up.

Score 20–24: High humility

Others might describe you as modest and unassuming, as respecting others’ opinions, as willing to listen to (and profit from) feedback, and as regarding yourself with some ironic detachment.

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