Singapore-Hong Kong Travel Bubble Could Start Within Weeks

Singapore Hopes That Hong Kong Travel Bubble Will Start in Weeks

Singapore hopes that a travel bubble arrangement with Hong Kong can start in weeks after both governments reached an in-principle pact on cross-border travel, Singapore’s Transport Minister Ong Ye Kung said on Thursday. A separate statement from Hong Kong’s government didn’t list a start date, instead saying both sides are committed to fleshing out full details of the air travel bubble “in the coming weeks.”

  • Ong says travelers will be eligible for travel bubble as long as they have been in Hong Kong of Singapore for at least 14 days

Further details, according to the Hong Kong government statement on the travel agreement:

  • There will be no restrictions on travel purpose
  • Travelers will not need to serve any quarantine or stay-home notices
  • Travelers will not be required to stick to a controlled itinerary
  • Travelers will be subject to mutually recognized Covid-19 polymerase chain reaction tests and would require negative test results
  • Link to Hong Kong government statement outlining travel bubble agreement

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