Infosys Prepared For Whichever Way H1-B Visa Issue Plays Out: CEO Salil Parekh

Infosys is prepared to grow its business regardless of whether H1-B Visa regulations are relaxed or tightened.

Salil Parekh, chief executive officer of Infosys Ltd., pauses during a Bloomberg Television interview on day three of the World Economic Forum  in Davos. (Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)
Salil Parekh, chief executive officer of Infosys Ltd., pauses during a Bloomberg Television interview on day three of the World Economic Forum in Davos. (Photographer: Simon Dawson/Bloomberg)

Infosys Ltd. is prepared to grow its business regardless of whether H1-B visa regulations are relaxed or tightened in the U.S., according to Salil Parekh.

“At this stage, our business model is really much more resilient. We’re more prepared for multiple scenarios, whichever way this thing plays out,” the Chief Executive Officer of India’s second-largest IT firm told Bloomberg in an interview.

Parekh's comments came just days before the U.S. elections. Incumbent President Donald Trump has announced a slew of changes in the visa regulations over the last four years since he came into power. The H1-B visa allows skilled workers from foreign nationalities to work in the U.S., a tool favoured by Indian information technology firms to send workers to the U.S.

Parekh said the company is focused on maintaining stability which leads to better service quality for its clients. “From a client perspective the more digital skills we have that we can offer them at the right time, the better we are in terms of working with them, as opposed to having more volatility with changes in regulations,” he said.

Watch the full conversation here: