JSW Steel, The Biggest Fan Of Trump’s Steel Tariffs, Is Suing Over Them

JSW Steel’s plan for Making American Steel Great Again depended on tariff exemptions. Two years later, they haven’t materialized.

Baytown’s four-high rolling mill spits out high-grade steel plate. (Photographer:  Matthew Busch/Bloomberg Businessweek) 
Baytown’s four-high rolling mill spits out high-grade steel plate. (Photographer: Matthew Busch/Bloomberg Businessweek) 
John Hritz, president and chief executive officer of JSW Steel USA Inc., put on a big smile and a Texas flag pin for his television spot on Fox Business in March 2018. “It’s a special day,” he told his host, then told her again: “It’s a special day.” JSW Steel’s India-based parent company, JSW Group, had announced it would invest $500 million and create 500 jobs at its steel mill in Baytown, Texas. “We’re going to make history,” Hrit...
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