Digital Lenders Seek To Use Blockchain To Solve The Problem Of ‘Loan Stacking’

Loan stacking is a phenomenon where the same borrower has been availing the same loan from various lenders.

 A customer prepares to scan a Quick Response code reader to access a Bitcoin automated teller machine (Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg)
A customer prepares to scan a Quick Response code reader to access a Bitcoin automated teller machine (Photographer: Chris Ratcliffe/Bloomberg)
India’s digital lenders are looking for a new solution to the age-old problem of ‘loan stacking’, where a borrower avails loans from various lenders within a short span of time.Banks, microfinance firms and now digital lenders targeting small businesses have often found themselves blindsided as borrowers take on multiple loans from different lenders. This eventually leads to an increased risk of defaults. While banks now have access ...
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